Sunday, May 22, 2011

Change Your Attitude

It's about 3:17 am as I am starting this post. Way too early but I felt like I had to share it. Earlier I had one of those moments. One of those moments where all the stored up "impatient single" comes out. Thankfully I had two wise women to help me through it and to realize what I was doing was worth it. Waiting for the One God has for me.

So here just about 10 minutes ago I was writing in my journal. Well writing my prayers (something I learned from my sweet momma). I was telling God how it was so hard to trust Him in this area. Then I looked on a previous entry and my attitude was hardly any different. It was still with the issue of TRUST.

After that moment I am so sure that it was God who whispered in my heart.

"Change your attitude"

I started thanking God and praying for Him to show me how to come through these tests and temptations. To show me what I needed to do to become victorious! To be a good soldier.


I did not have the attitude of a good soldier. Of a soldier who fully trusted in the General to lead into battle and to conquer. Mine was of somebody who saw no victory. Who did not trust. Who was lazy and drunk on the cares of myself. A soldier who was not fully clothed with the armor of God. (Ephesians 6:11-17)

It is so amazing how God corrects us and to open our eyes to our corrupt way. And to cry out to Him to change us. What we as soldiers go through is not to weaken us. But to make us stronger. We can decide to be weak and never fight and never take instruction. Or to "Be STRONG in the LORD and the POWER of HIS might!" (Ephesians 6:10)

I realize I need to change my attitude! Thank you Lord for showing me where I have fallen and to become a strong soldier in You! Change my attitude so I can be victorious. Lord, and my brothers and sisters who are struggling with the same things as me! Open their eyes and strengthen them. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." 2 Timothy 2:3-4

Blessings and Love,

~Tiffany's iPhone~

Friday, May 6, 2011

Memory of My Momma :)

Wow, so I am officially a terrible blogger! I have not blogged in the longest time! It's not that I haven't thought about it.. Because I have. It's just finding the time and energy to do it.. Anyways I least I found some today :)

I am doing great :) all the praise goes to my Jesus! The Author and Finisher of my Faith! I've been working and doing all the normal things I do! Oh and I turned the big 1-9 last weekend! Last year in my teens! I could have never made it this far without him! I am so wonderfully blessed :)

So, this coming up Sunday is Mother's Day. It will be my first without my momma. But I know she will be spending it in a wonderful place with her mother. And that makes me feel better knowing that she will be :) I wanted to a memory about my momma and me :)

The year 2008
This year started the long battle with head lice.. Now we are very clean people but lice don't care who you are. Anyways I discovered it one night and from there on we could not get rid of it.. We tried everything from dog shampoo to kerosene.. From awful over the counter lice treatment medicine to mayonnaise...NOTHING seemed to work. We vacuumed our beds and floors, sprayed stuff with lice spray. We spent hours looking through each others heads. My little brother and dad had no problem during this time.. They got short hair.. Me and my momma would tell each other let's just shave our heads and get wigs.. Then we would say then lice would get it in them!!! I literally thought I was gonna go crazy at times.. Cause I hated them with a passion!! After nearly a year momma got in the hospital. She was having trouble (little did we know what we were about to face a bigger battle than lice) When we came home and we decided to treat our heads one more time... And we were gonna trust God to take these things away. We just couldn't do it anymore. We had done all we could do. Let's just say we never dealt with it again. God took them away! But you know what it is so God to do that. Cause after that my momma was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I am thankful for those little lice bugs.. I spent so much time with my momma that year.. And she would tell me at times, when we would be sitting out on the front porch checking each other's heads that God had a reason for all this. I can see it now and I am thankful :)

Happy Mother's to all the mothers out there.. And everybody treasure your mother like a jewel and let her know how much you love and appreciate her!

Blessings and Love,
~Tiffany's iPhone~