Saturday, June 12, 2010

How is Your Heart?

I was just wondering. How is your heart? Is it focused on the world and what it can give you in relationships (temporary fun, hurt, and sadness) or are you focused on Jesus and simply waiting at His feet...and falling in love with Him. "Now Tiffany," You may say, "I'm an eligible single person and I'm lonely." Have you ever thought about how Jesus was single and alone. But yet He was not alone.. He had God. I know a lot of us are called to be married. But that's not the greatest calling of our life. The greatest calling of your life is to fall in love with Jesus. Here lately I have needed Him more and more. I have discovered that He is the greatest Prince I could ever have. He is there in my pain and truly knows how to comfort and heal me. I know that there is a great guy God has for me. But I am not in hurry to meet Him. I am not going to be like Martha and be bustling around trying to see what kind of single preacher guy I can get. I am going to wait at Jesus' feet like Mary did. You know what Jesus told Mary that she had chosen the greater part and it would not be taken away from her. I have expierenced lonliness and I still do. Especially when I am around all the married and dating people at my church and when I see all the love going on on Facebook. I have learned to say "Jesus you come fill my lonliness and you have a plan and I trust in You." Now I realize not everybody is going to kiss dating goodbye. But PLEASE take careful time in what you do. Seek God and see what He has for you. I know I thought I would have met the one by now and be planning my wedding. But instead God is leading me to bible college close to 850 miles from my home, friends, and family. I don't understand His ways but they are higher than mine. I'm going to close with these thoughts my friend put on FB.. "Are you putting your relationship on hold for God, or are you putting God on hold for your relationship."

Sunday, June 6, 2010


So yesterday I was on my way to my aunt's house. We were going swimming. So here I was going down the road and a really good song was playing. Anyways all of the sudden I here this loud crack. I look behind me and an object had hit the backseat window right behind me. It had been shattered by some kind of an object mostly likely a rock because I had just passed a man lawnmowing his yard. If I had been a second earlier it would have went in my window and I could have been in some serious condition. I could have went off the road and had a wreck on top of that. But God's merciful hand.... He is so gracious!!! He is full of compassion :D He is my keeper!! That is my motta when driving... The Lord is my Keeper (Psalm 121) My heart is so thankful!!!

Today's service at church was Awe-Some :D It was all about having the love of Jesus come through our hearts and life! Offering mercy instead of judgement and critiscm. Jesus came to save the lost. But the church has seem to have lost that. But so thankful that Jesus is opening our eyes to the Truth :D Love, Love it

Blessings and Love

~Tiffany's iPhone~

Friday, June 4, 2010

He Says I Love You

Hey all you bloggers =) I need to get back into blogging. But I am so very busy these days doing housework and hanging with friends. I'm aleady missing them and I have only been graduated a week and a day! But I am so excited for what is ahead of me only 87 more days till I have to be at college =) God is leading me and it makes me happy. Omw I got my Simply Modest swimsuit in the mail this week! I cannot wait to go rock Holy in the water!!!!!! So yea summer here I come =)

So to my topic.... On FaceBook there is constant gushy goo love "I love you so much." Between the girlfriends and boyfriends) Anyways I was like you know wishing for that in a way. I was like God can't really send me a FaceBook message. But then I started thinking about how He will paint the sky in my favorite colors.... He says I love you. When He does just the little things like a verse or just a cool wind on a hot day He says I love you. When I feel like giving up He sweetly strengthens me... He says I love you. What a wonderful Prince! I am His Bride and He is my Husband =)

Blessings and Love,

~Tiffany's iPhone~