Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Next Generation

This past week there has been a stirring and conviction in my heart. I was thinking "I am part of the next generation to bring and have the truth." It's starting to really sink in. Yesterday in the class that I am teacher's assistant for there was a substitute. It also the free period. This girl came into the class to talk to the sub and the girl was talking about her "change" of lifestyle. What they said disgusted me. The sub (a grown lady) tells the girl "You gotta do what makes you happy." They went on to say that they knew it wasn't right and nobody is perfect. When was sin ok if it made you happy? (I believe Jesus can you make perfect if you submit yourself to him and let him change you) The girl was saying "Its neither right nor wrong". I was thinking "If it is neither right nor wrong..than what is it" I was just amazed at this adult telling her "Whatever makes you happy." My heart was just in a mix of thoughts. How black has became white, and
white has become black. I know thst God is judge." There is only one lawgiver who is able to save and destroy who are thou that judgest another." I need humbleness and love, not mine but Jesus Christ, the Saviour of Men.

"Lord let us be a generation that seeks, that seeks your face, Oh God of Jacob" ~We Bow Our Hearts~

~Tiffany's iPhone~

Sunday, March 21, 2010

2, 3, 5, 6, or 10

Well I know the majority of my posts are about waiting or what people think of my commitment about not dating. My older brother is always teasing me about guys and how I should be dating. He thinks it's silly that I am waiting for THE one God has for me. Just yesterday we were discussing about Mount Zion and their rule about "No Dating" and I was saying I was waiting for that one God was going to send me. Of course my brother had something smart to say. I can't exactly remember how he started the question but it was something like "What if it means going through 2, 3, 5, 6, or 10" His girlfriend first thought he meant years, but he meant guys. I told him "No it's not going to be like that." "What if it is God's will?" My brother loves to debate about religion, even though he is unsaved. Sometimes you just have to change the conversation and go on and pray for them. Later on I thought of what I should have said. "God's will is not the same for everybody,
this is His will for me." Another time when we got on this subject he was debating about it and saying negative things. I told him something I had read off of another blog similar to these words "Would rather be given an apple that is rotten and half-bitten off, or would you rather have a nice, clean apple." (I am not condemning anyone, God has mercy and forgiveness, no matter what kind of mistakes that have been made. His blood washes and cleans us) I said all this to say this.. It's ok to wait and not date :) You don't have to date 10 guys to find out what you want. God knows the desires of our hearts and when we delight ourself in him his will and desires will become ours. We must sleep like Adam did. He made Eve for Him but he was asleep. We must also sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary. Martha was busied about and was complaining about how Mary was just sitting there. But Jesus told her that Mary had chosen the good part and it would not be taken
away from her. You can take that dating wise too. Be worried about finding the right one and start settling with just average. When you could sit at Jesus' feet and fall in love with Him :) For He satisfieth the Longing heart and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. I know the Lord has a beautiful God scripted love story if we just sit at his feet and wait upon him :D

Blessings & Love,


~Tiffany's iPhone~

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Salvation Expected Deliverer

The other night my dad got up to sing at church. He started talking about what the name of Jesus meant. In Hebrew Jesus' name is Yeshua. Which means Salvation. In Matthew 1:21 it says "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall SAVE his people from their sins."

Yesterday I got to thinking I don't even know what Christ means. So I looked it up in the dictionary. It means "any expected deliverer." Wow.. That says a lot just right there. Salvation Expected Deliverer. He came to save us from our sin! Hallelujah!! I know this may sound so elementary and that I should have known what Christ meant. But when you see what's behind his name it's like Wow! When you began to think and study about how Jesus gave his all... His very Life for us... It is simply humblingly and so... Unexplainable. How he would come down from Heaven and become a he stood up for the truth and how he died. The other day I was sitting in my P.E. Class and I was thinking about his death. How he layed his life down...and he told them "no man taketh it from me" How powerful and deep these words are... What a wonderful and beautiful Saviour... Our Salvation Expected Deliverer...

~Tiffany's iPhone~

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Well that's Odd...

Well it's Wedensday and I have taken all my 9 weeks exams except for one and that is Web Page. I'm excited that Friday is just around the corner and then it will be SPRING BREAK!!! So excited!!

Last night I was talking to one of my guy friends on Facebook. We use to go to middle school together but after the 9th grade he moved to a different school. So we were just talking about Prom and he was saying he didn't want to take anyone from the school he goes to. I was like "Aren't you going to take your girlfriend?" (His profile pic had been of him and this I assumed that it was his girl) "No I don't have one" then came the question...."Do you have a boyfriend?" I replied "No I don't, I'm not into dating right now." "Why? You could meet guys." My Reply went something like this "Yea I could, but I don't want to, I am waiting for the one God has for me." He says "How will you know if he is the one." (my guyfriend is not a Christian) so I explained that God would give us wisdom that we would just know and that God gave me a joy that no guy could ever give me. His reply..."Well, that's odd."

I wasn't expecting that kind of reply..LOL But the Bible does say we are a peculiar people.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sweet Love

Last night at church all I have to say is that it was A.W.E.S.O.M.E. (doesn't stand for anything..just so ESTATIC) Oh.My.Word. the service kinda started out dead in a way. But our hearts were open for Jesus. Well let me tell you He came in like a flood..his sweet presence just swept in there. People were crying and praising God. One of my cousins had came and after church on her facebook status she said she wanted to be saved. I was so Joyous. Man ain't going to get the glory for what God wants to do. That's all it took was our hearts hungry and open for his presence. The preacher got up after that and talked about 15 minutes and said He didn't want to get in God's way and he didn't preached because God had already moved. I am so glad we don't go by a program. This person has got to sing and the preacher has got to sing. But just let Jesus have his way in a service :D Tons of Awesomeness!!!

I have been meditating on Psalm 139. It has became such a reality to me. That he would care to know my uprising and my downsitting. That he knows the words in my mouth before I even speak. He is aquainted with all my ways. What a beautiful truth. That he would have mercy and save me. That he would still love me even though he knows everthing about me. What a LOVE!
No man could ever make me feel like Jesus. Even if I make my bed in hell he is there. If I take the wings of the morning and dewell in the uttermost part of the sea...even there shall his hand lead me and his right hand hold me. He has possessed my reins and covered me in my mother's womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.... He saw my substance...and though I was unperfect....the great sum of His thoughts toward me....If I should count them they are more in number than the sand (Every girl wants a guy who continually thinks about them and just adores Jesus thinks more of us than anything :) I would encourage you girls to check out Psalms 139 and see it as a love poem from God :D God Bless :D