Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sweet Love

Last night at church all I have to say is that it was A.W.E.S.O.M.E. (doesn't stand for anything..just so ESTATIC) Oh.My.Word. the service kinda started out dead in a way. But our hearts were open for Jesus. Well let me tell you He came in like a flood..his sweet presence just swept in there. People were crying and praising God. One of my cousins had came and after church on her facebook status she said she wanted to be saved. I was so Joyous. Man ain't going to get the glory for what God wants to do. That's all it took was our hearts hungry and open for his presence. The preacher got up after that and talked about 15 minutes and said He didn't want to get in God's way and he didn't preached because God had already moved. I am so glad we don't go by a program. This person has got to sing and the preacher has got to sing. But just let Jesus have his way in a service :D Tons of Awesomeness!!!

I have been meditating on Psalm 139. It has became such a reality to me. That he would care to know my uprising and my downsitting. That he knows the words in my mouth before I even speak. He is aquainted with all my ways. What a beautiful truth. That he would have mercy and save me. That he would still love me even though he knows everthing about me. What a LOVE!
No man could ever make me feel like Jesus. Even if I make my bed in hell he is there. If I take the wings of the morning and dewell in the uttermost part of the sea...even there shall his hand lead me and his right hand hold me. He has possessed my reins and covered me in my mother's womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.... He saw my substance...and though I was unperfect....the great sum of His thoughts toward me....If I should count them they are more in number than the sand (Every girl wants a guy who continually thinks about them and just adores them..wow Jesus thinks more of us than anything :) I would encourage you girls to check out Psalms 139 and see it as a love poem from God :D God Bless :D

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