Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So now that I am back home in the greatest state in the USA. It's time to get back to life. *sigh* I am going to share my favorite picture of my vacation. Maybe I have went a little overboard.. But yea :) LOL

I don't think I have posted it yet but I have enrolled in online classes for photography. I am excited and I am hoping to soon finish and be able to start my own little business.

God has been simply amazing this past month and a half. I have bad days where I miss my momma so bad. She was truly my best friend. But I know God had a reason and purpose. That always helps me to take a big breath and to know that I don't see the big picture :)

I hope to be blogging more now and to be able to read all the blogs I have suscribed to..But anyways thank you everybody for the comments and prayers :)

Blessings and Love,



Anonymous said...

Wow girl I didn't know that you wanted to be a photographer. That is awesome!! :-) I know it must be hard on you. I can't even imagine losing my mother. :/ But like you said God has a reason and a purpose. :) Love ya home girl! Mauh!


godlyrose said...

Photography! How exciting! Can't wait to see some of your photographs:)