Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Love Of Jesus

You know I could write paragraph after paragraph about the Love of Jesus. So I will try to keep it Sweet and Short...
Every girl (just about) has this desire inside their heart to be a guy's girl. I know I have for the longest! I am only 17 and it feels like it will be forever before I meet and fall in Love with the Man God got has got for me. But what I am saying is that during this time of singleness..and often times an achy lonliness. Jesus has just been filling my heart with a satisfaction and Love and a longing for Him. I mean OMW here is the God of the universe and He wants me! This space of singleness is a time for me to be filled with His love!
Last Christmas my Mom bought me a book by Elisabeth Elliot called Passion and Purity. Omw! It helped me soo much! It was kinda like a guide book in form of a love story. And it was true love story (Elisabeth and her late husband Jim Elliot)! I have read that book over and over. God really used their love story to be such a source of encouragement!
Jesus is the Best thing that Has ever happened to me! He is always there..His love just so overwhelming and it fills every corner of my heart!

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