Friday, February 26, 2010

Earthly Prince/ Heavenly Prince

Last night I had one of those "Ahhhhh" moments. You know where you know something to be a fact and you believe in it, but it finally it penetrates your thick headed head and it becomes real to you. Well last night I was just reading my Bible and I came across this verse in 2 Thessalonians 3:5- And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting of Christ. Ok so you know we have this whole concept on waiting and falling in love with our Earthly Prince. Last night it became more personal for me. The patient waiting for Christ..We have the whole loving Jesus and falling in love with him..sure I knew that part...but that last part patient waiting for Christ... I have a Heavenly Prince and he love and adores me. One day he is coming back...I mean I already knew and believed this..but I expierenced it. He opened my eyes to the fact yes I have an Earthly prince for you and your waiting and that is fine....but there is another Prince.

Yes, I can have my Heavenly prince right now..he is always with me...But one day he is coming back. I don't know when, where, and what. But I know he is coming and I must be ready.. Suzette commented on my post yesterday about how maybe the man God has for me isn't ready. That kinda made me think. I need to be the bride that I need to be for Christ.. He is coming in all his glory and we need to be ready. Thank You Lord for Sweet Eye Openers :)


godlyrose said...

So happy for you and for the "Ahhhhh" moment. During my waiting time, for a time I put a sign on my door "On a Date" while I was having my devotions. I love the fact that you are documenting all of these feelings and spiritual discoveries. When you finally are given your earthly prince, other girls will be able to read your story and be encouraged that it will happen for them, too, if they are faithful in their walk with the Lord.

Lexi said...

I love this post Tiffany! I also loved that you are sold out for waiting for the one God is preparing for you! Thanks for following my blog and it would be great to have you join the purity challenge!
