Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Guy to Complete Me?

So I got a new book called Sacred Singleness by Leslie Ludy. I love books about being single and waiting for the one. Well this one has really stirred me up! It's focused on during the time of singleness and getting in a deeper walk with God and falling in love with Him! Now I know how it feels to long for a godly guy to come and sweep me off my feet and carry me away to happily ever after. But you know what I don't need to wait for my "happily ever after" I can have it right now with Jesus! He can become my Prince Charming and the Lover of My Heart. I know that we girls tend to put our life on hold and say "Oh if I had a husband then I can really start living" But you know what there is a Love that will always keep you living if you will just let it! Now I am not saying don't ever get married or that you can't date. But to let God write your love story and let the time of singleness be a chapter (might be a few chapters for some of us lol) We don't need
a guy to complete us! We need the Husband of our souls! He can reach down into the deepest places of our heart that no human being can ever touch!

And to know the LOVE OF CHRIST which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the FULNESS OF GOD!
(Ephesians 3:18)

For he satisfieth the longing soul and filled the hungry soul with goodness (Psalm 107:9)

Oh Hallelujah to be filled with the most high God!! How amazing is that?? That those lonely nights when you could be out with some guy (boy do I have them) they can be offered up to God to be filled with his Awesome Love!

A good point in the book was that it's good to have a desire to be married! There is nothing wrong with that but don't let the desire have you! But to put your full focus on Jesus! God will bring you someone but while you are waiting to give your heart to the Ultimate Hero! Come on he died to save our very soul! How great is that? Our Prince who came down from heaven to become a servant all for Love sakes. Wow!! This time of singleness can be miserable or it can be used for God's glory and to get to know the Prince of our heart!

And to answer my question "A Guy to Complete Me?"
"And ye are COMPLETE in HIM, which is the head of all principality and power" (Colossians 2:10)

~Tiffany's iPhone~

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Partying is Life?

We made it safely to my grandma's house. There is lots and lots of snow. Snow is very scarce were I live, but I guess if I had snow all the time it would be boring. My cousin Jay came over and we had a snowball fight and he built and snow fort. I watched..what else is a southern girl suppose to do when it comes to snow forts. Anyways he made fun of how I talked and tried to teach me to say "pile" Here is how I say it "pyul" He was like it's "pi" "le". It was a losing battle. At least I won one! :)

My cousin Jay is a Unitarian meaning they really don't believe in Jesus. It's really sad because I love my family up here so bad and I wish they would see the truth. Jay asked me tonight what I did for fun. I told him reading, going to the library, and going to church. He kidded around with me saying I didn't have a life. I get this a lot from people. I came to realize that I may not have a life but I have the LIFE in me! It says in Colossians "For ye are dead and your LIFE is hid with Christ in God"

Whenever me and my cousin were discussing "having a life" I said " well at least I am not partying." I know it is not in myself! I know it's only been through Jesus who has kept me! For I am a sinner saved by grace and by his precious blood. Later on tonight I was thinking about my friend Michael at school. He is the partying type and he has kidded me about having no life. I began to think there is no life in drinking and getting high and fulfilling all the lust you can. Where is life in that? There isn't! Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE!" So whenever somebody tells you that you don't have a life tell them that you have THE LIFE in you!!

"I don't need no dope, I don't need no smoke!
I don't need no whiskey, gin, or wine!
No cocaine or any other thing!
Jesus is my Naturual Royal High!!!"
(song we sing at church)

~Tiffany's iPhone~

Friday, December 18, 2009

Portrait of Love

I think I can blog from my I'm gonna try.

So I was at the library today looking for some books for mom and me to read on our trip. I love to read Christian romance but sometimes it just gets on my nerves the way some are written. I'm like that doesn't happen in reality. I wish there was good wholesome stories out there. I was thinking maybe I should write my own. Not a sappy "can't live without you" kind of book. But a love story where there is purity and high standards. Sometimes we all have this portrait of love in our heads, holding hands and kissing and oh the feelings. But love is just not a feeling it is selfless, giving, patient, kind, and all what says in 1 Corinthians 13. I guess I am just tired of the same old love stories that seem to repeat and repeat. I mean there is nothing wrong with Christian romance it's just there needs to be a book like I mentioned earlier. I don't know maybe it's just me. Oh well just some of my thoughts.

Sent from my iPhone

Lead Me Higher

I thought my last post would be the last. But I was at the Library and I decided to write about last night's revival. It was so wonderful! God was really speaking to my heart. Last week I had this one verse on my heart "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord." Last night the preacher while he was preaching said this verse. I was like "Wow!" Then before church I had this other verse it was "Lead me to the Rock that is Higher than I." His preaching was about going up higher in God. But that when we get there, we are going to have to fight more but through Jesus we could get through the difficulties. Bro. Ray (the preacher) was also talking about how we need Spirtual education from God himself. Because that is what is going to keep us in these last days. Last night's word was just so wonderful and was speaking so greatly! I can't wait for what God has in store tonight!

Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I
Lead me there so I can fight
Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I
For I have no might

Friday, December 4, 2009

Love: True Love

So wow..its really DECEMBER!!! Is it already time for Christmas? lol What a random way to start a blog post..oh well. So the other day I bought "I Kissed Dating Goodbye". Omw it is one of the most awesome books about purity and waiting and pursing that intimate oneness with Jesus. I wish I hadn't spent so much time pitying myself over being so single and mulling over it. But I can make a change. Well Jesus will make the change. I just have to surrender myself, my whole self. Not just a thought or minute or hour. But my whole heart, my whole mind, my whole soul, my whole being. In "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" Josh Harris talks about how we have this picture of romance in our heads, kissing and falling into each other's arms. And then God says look at this picture of love and its His son hanging on a cross. God has really been talking to my heart through these books and especially His Word. Jesus was true love. I told the Lord the other day that I was so thankful for His mercy on this stubborn thickheaded girl. Jesus is so WONDERFUL GOOD!! :) I know I haven't reached even close to the middle where I need to be. But Jesus shall guide me. He is patient and kind. Our picture of Love is so degrading and worthless compared to His love. We are so selfish and always wanting "What is in it for Me?" of " I gotta get all I can get!" But you know what instead of being selfish for this flesh and trying to find fullfillment everywhere. We should pursue Jesus!!! He won't reject us! He will return his love back. More love than we could ever imagine. We also have to keep in mind that Love is not just butterfly heady feeling but all what it says in 1 Corinthians 13!

Wow I've written a lot. It was just something flowing out of my heart I had to to get out! :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Isn't It Wonderful?

Isn't it wonderful to finally have peace and knowing where God wants you to go? I have prayed and prayed about where to go next year. I have been reading the word and God has been giving me verses along the way. And this weekend I had a couple of verses again showing me that Mt. Zion is where I need to be. God will work out everything for me to go. Last night while I was laying in bed I was wondering could God's word really lead me in that way. And what do you know the verse from Psalms came into my head and kinda gave me a reminder..."Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path!" Talk about some peace that came into my heart! How Great God Is!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

To Know the Love of Jesus

Last night on my way home from singing with my youth group at the nursing home. I was kind of feeling sorry for myself. I was the only one without a boyfriend or the One! (I should say) Well I asked Jesus just to take the lonliness in my heart to fill it with Him. I needed Manna! I knew only that could satisfy my longing! This morning during my quiet time with God I came upon this verse
And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:19)
I was like Omw!!! The love of Christ and the fullness of God! That's exactly what I needed for my lonely heart! God is so awesome and so loving

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Looking Up to Jesus should I start this....I don't want to sound like I am desperate to have a boyfriend. Even thought sometimes my heart desperatly cries "When God? When?" But the Spirit inside of me is like "Set your affection on things above." Look to Jesus..let him be your wholeness in this lonliness. Oh it is so hard sometimes! You look around and you see other couples. I always have to remind myself "Your day is coming Tiffany!" I know God is trying to teach me patience and to get my heart totally focused on Him. I know I have a work to do for him. But this flesh wants to focus on the things at hand. That is all the flesh can see. But the spirit sees the things that are eternal and life everlasting! For we walk by faith and not by sight. We should ask for blinders on our eyes. So we won't look to the left and to the right, but straight at Him! I know my Man is coming. Right now though I have to look to Jesus. He is the only one who can satisfy the deepest longing and desire in the heart!

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Daily Bread

Yesterday during church while our youth minister was preaching I had a thought. Back in the old testament it talks about how when the children of Israel needed food. God sent them Manna every day. They only needed to gather what they needed for that day except on the Sabbath. I had a "wow" thought. I was like Jesus is our daily bread..we need him every day. His mercy is NEW every morning. We need to renew ourselves in Him each day. We need to hunger after Him. Even if we are in a wilderness or if we are on top of the mountain. Now I am not saying you have to go pray 2 or 3 hours on your knees or read a book of the Bible every day. But just continually lifting up your heart. So he can feed you and renew you...strengthen you. I need, we need him more than anything right now. Times are getting so hard. We will need him to lean on, to draw strength. He is our resevior...Oh Lord give me more and more!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Soldier in the Army of the Lord

Well I just heard on the news about the UN trying to pass something about religious rights. That you can't discriminate against anybody's religion or try to convert or evangilize. The muslim countries are backing it up. Ya'll its time for us to get ready. To be sober and to have our eyes on Jesus. We are about to go through some hard times. There ain't gonna be a rapture..God dont make whimps he makes soldiers that are able to withstand the enemy!

That song "People ge ready, Jesus is coming soon!" keeps going through my head. Ya'll God is calling up his mighty army!

I am soldier in this army of the Lord!
Im a soldier in this army!
Im a soldier in this army of the Lord!
Im a soldier in this army of the Lord!

If I fight, let me fight in this army of the Lord.
If I fight, let me fight in this army.
If I fight, let me fight in this army of the Lord!
Im a soldier in this army of the Lord!

If I die let me die in this army of the Lord
If I die let me die in this army
If I die let me die in this army of the Lord
Im a soldier in this army of the Lord!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Musings

I had an awesome lunch today! Cheesy Chicken Over Rice!!! lol It was good for school food.
Well there is this guy that I am a friends with..We have never met but we have texted and talked on the phone. Well it wasn't to long ago he started dating this girl. I was like Omw when I found out because just like 2 weeks before we had sent pictures to each other. And I thought Hmm..maybe something is going to happen. Yea I look on his My Apostolic Network..and bam he is in a relationship! So yea He calls me out of the blue...and then the last time I talked to him, About all he talked about was how great his girlfriend was and how that he thought she was the One. So last night he calls me...I missed it because my phone was on silent and I was reading a book. And so when I saw it I called him back I only let it ring about 4 times and I hung up and turned my phone off! I am so sick and tired of being treated like that by guys I might actually like...I don't know what he is problem is...but if He needs someone to talk to too He needs to call his Gf or one of his really good friends! Right?

Monday, October 12, 2009


My mom has colon cancer, I think I mentioned it in my first blog. Well she'll be starting chemo here in a couple of weeks. It's hard to believe that my momma has cancer. But I can't despair, I know without a shadow of a doubt God will carry us through. He is the God of all Hope. Sometimes I start to get scared and I know its just the enemey trying to get my eyes off of Jesus. But I have to tell myself God ain't going to let us down.
Cancer is a horrible horrible thing, I have never had someone this close in my family to have it. I've been looking at the blogs here on blogger about different people that has cancer. Young people who have a whole life a head of them. But God may seem like He doesn't be he does. Cast all your care upon Him for He careth for you. I have to rest in that...God Knows! Don't Despair, God is There!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Follow Your Heart

Wow..its already been 9 weeks into the school year! Thank the Lord it is my last year! Seniors Rock! Well now its that dreadful business...WHAT TO DO AFTER HIGH SCHOOL!! I know the Lord is leading me toward mission work and I want to do whatever he wants me to do. I have considered some Bible Colleges, but after looking over them and seeking the Lord about it. I knew they were some definite nos. But then my parents and I started talking about this college called Mt. Zion School of Ministry. Its part of Bro. David Wilkerson's work. I have been praying about this place so much for the past month. It's a wonderful college. You are there to get deeper in God and to have a more intimate walk with Him. And whats so great is that they are in the Truth. Their standards and beliefs are so much like mine. My Momma was telling me last night "Follow your Heart." I've been thinking about it.."following my heart." I want my heart to be fully focused on Jesus. And that verse keeps coming to mind Trust in the Lord with ALL THINE HEART and lean not unto thine own understanding, In ALL THY WAYS acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. So I was also thinking "Well its not always good to follow the heart, cause sometimes it wants stuff thats not pleasing to God or gets caught up in its own fleshly desires." But what was so amazing is that first part of that verse..Trust in the Lord with all thine heart! I have to remind myself at times that God has got this He is control. I am his child and he will lead and guide me into all truth!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Love Of Jesus

You know I could write paragraph after paragraph about the Love of Jesus. So I will try to keep it Sweet and Short...
Every girl (just about) has this desire inside their heart to be a guy's girl. I know I have for the longest! I am only 17 and it feels like it will be forever before I meet and fall in Love with the Man God got has got for me. But what I am saying is that during this time of singleness..and often times an achy lonliness. Jesus has just been filling my heart with a satisfaction and Love and a longing for Him. I mean OMW here is the God of the universe and He wants me! This space of singleness is a time for me to be filled with His love!
Last Christmas my Mom bought me a book by Elisabeth Elliot called Passion and Purity. Omw! It helped me soo much! It was kinda like a guide book in form of a love story. And it was true love story (Elisabeth and her late husband Jim Elliot)! I have read that book over and over. God really used their love story to be such a source of encouragement!
Jesus is the Best thing that Has ever happened to me! He is always there..His love just so overwhelming and it fills every corner of my heart!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our Victory Song

Hello Peoples!
Omw fall is coming fast! It is freezing outside and today I didn't bring a jacket. Anyways I wanted to share a song the Lord laid on my heart this morning. I was on my way to school and I was listening to the news on the radio. A story came on about a supreme court case. It was about a 7ft cross in some California desert that some WW1 veterans had put up. Well this man had been offended by it and was taking it to court. The cross had been boarded up. Well I felt like God was pulling me to turn the radio off and sing. So this song came about. It is a cry for the True Soldiers of Christ!

Our Victory Song
You may board up our wooden crosses
You may throw us all in prison
You may burn our Bibles
You may close down our churches

But we are graven on His hands
We shall do whatever He commands
We have been bought with a price
and There is no way we can deny
our Jesus

You may take away our houses
You may take away our clothes
You may take away our cars
But we still have riches untold

Cause we have been covered by his blood
the precious atoning blood
We have been filled with life anew
there is no way we'll submit to you

Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
the One who has freed us
All the praise and honour to You
The One who is Faithful and True!

(Go to the K-Love News Page to read about the 7ft cross)